Our Child Welfare Officers are Sian Hughes and Amanda Evans.

They can be contacted in confidence by email on welfare@swansea-aquatics.co.uk

It is very important that everyone participating in our sport does all they can to ensure the welfare of children and young people in clubs

All Swim Wales affiliated clubs and organisations should adopt and implement the Policies and Procedures contained in this manual folder. It contains mandatory requirements, practical information and good practice guidance all in one place.

It is to be used by club officers, club members, parents, children and all those who work with young members so that everyone involved in the sport can play their part in safeguarding children and young people.

For further information please contact:

Zita Cameron
Office Manager
Swim Wales
Wales National Pool
Sketty Lane
Tel; 01792 513641


Need to talk?

Contact ChildLine anytime – calls are free and confidential.

We always want to keep your contact with ChildLine confidential, but if we werevery worried about your safety or the safety of other peoplewe will talk to you about whether other people need to know.

We will only tell someone if we feel it’s an emergency and we will talk to you about this first.

We want to keep you safe. However, we also understand the sort of situations you might be in. If we do need to tell somebody, we’ll try and give you as much control over what happens as possible. The last thing we want is to make things worse for you.

You say you might need to tell someone if you’re very worried about me or someone else. What does this mean?

You can talk to ChildLine about anything that is important to you, no matter how big or small it might feel.

However there are some things that we think are too serious to keep between you and ChildLine.

We may want to tell someone else if:

  • We think your life or someone else’s life is in immediate danger.
  • You are being hurt by someone who has a position of trust and works with other children e.g. a teacher or policeman.
  • You’ve told us that you have been hurting another person which makes us worried about their safety.


In these cases we will talk to you about whether other people need to know what’s happening.